Math Homework
Unit 5 Math Test Part 2 Wednesday, 15th.
See list of practice problems in the classroom or under Math Resources.
All the test problems are from the homework book.

Monday: HW book page 125.
Front Row
Finish textbook 5-13 & 5-14
Tuesday: HW book page 127.
Textbook 5-15
Wednesday: HW book page 129.
Textbook 5-16 .
Tuesday: HW book page 127.
Textbook 5-15
Wednesday: HW book page 129.
Textbook 5-16 .
Thursday: HW book page 131.
Finish textbook 5-16
WES Camp Health forms are Due April 6th.
Daily reading of a book of choice is a priority.
Reading Goal: 1,000 pages (minimum)for third trimester.
(This translates to approximately 83 pages/week in 12 week period.)
Use the links below to connect to Google Classroom. You can study your Spelling/vocabulary words online thru my Quizlet link; just click on your homeroom class.
Reading Goal: 1,000 pages (minimum)for third trimester.
(This translates to approximately 83 pages/week in 12 week period.)
Use the links below to connect to Google Classroom. You can study your Spelling/vocabulary words online thru my Quizlet link; just click on your homeroom class.
Weekly Schedule:
Monday: READ book of choice
Homework packet - complete 2 pages
Work on paragraph template - brainstorm
History: China Webquest: due March 15
Homework packet - complete 2 pages
Work on paragraph template - brainstorm
History: China Webquest: due March 15
Tuesday: READ book of choice
Homework packet - complete 2 pages
Use completed template to write rough draft
History: China Webquest: due March 15
Wednesday: READ book of choice
Homework packet - finish
Rough draft due today
-work on final typed paragraph
History: Study for China Geography Test
History: China Webquest: due March 15
History: Study for China Geography Test
History: China Webquest: due March 15
Thursday: READ book of choice
Homework packet due
Homework packet due
Study for spelling/vocabulary test :
*Google Classroom Quizlet to help you study
for both spelling/vocab. test AND genres
for both spelling/vocab. test AND genres
Finish final paragraph - typed
History: China Geography Test
History: China Webquest: due March 15
History: China Geography Test
History: China Webquest: due March 15
Friday: Spelling/Vocabulary Test
Genres quiz
Paragraph due- typed with rough draft
Genres quiz
Paragraph due- typed with rough draft