Thursday, October 27, 2016

Keyboarding Practice!

Grant School Computer Lab (P2) is Now Open Mon-Fri from 7:45-8:20

We are excited to announce that the Grant School Computer Lab (Room P2, 2nd portable from the parking lot) will be available for students every morning from 7:45-8:20. Due to popular demand, we have increased the hours it is available.  This is a great opportunity for students to practice their typing, work on homework, or explore our online Learning Resources.

Learning how to keyboard correctly provides our students with a firm foundation and polishing those keyboard skills will prepare our students for the future.  Each year in class we continue to work on typing, writing, researching, and creating projects using the computer and other forms of technology. We are encouraging our class to use the lab in the mornings to work on these important digital skills.  

Thank you.