Monday, January 29, 2018

Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 2018

Daily reading of a book of choice is a priority. 
 Reading Goal:  4 books of choice per trimester or approximately 800-1,000 pages or 75 pages weekly

3 Book Completion Notes with AR test due  each trimester
 1st   Book Completion due: Dec. 8 - Done
 2nd  Book Completion due: Jan. 19 - Done
 3rd  Book Completion due: Feb. 21

Use the links below to connect to Google Classroom.  You can study your  Spelling/vocabulary words online through my Quizlet link; just click on your homeroom class.
Weekly Schedule for Lang. Arts:

Monday:   Homework packet - 2 pages
                3min. free reading   
                 Read Ch. 1-2 Walk Two Moons

Tuesday   Homework packet - 2 pages
                    3min. free reading                   
                    Read Ch. 3-4 W2M
Wednesday:   Finish homework packet 
                       3min. free reading 
                       Read Ch. 5-6 W2M
                       Complete Literature Response 1
Thursday:      Homework packet due
                       3min. free reading 
                        Read Ch. 7-9 W2M
Friday:          Spelling/Vocabulary Test 

WES CAMP dates: April 23-27th


Monday:  HW book page 108.  Worked on finishing "Fraction" review in Front Row.
                  Start the Geometry assessment when finished.  Working through level 25.

Tuesday:  HW book page 107.   Textbook section 5-5.

Wednesday:   HW book page 109.   Textbook section 5-6.

Thursday:  HW book page 110.   Finish textbook section 5-6.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Jan. 22-26, 2018

Daily reading of a book of choice is a priority. 
 Reading Goal:  4 books of choice per trimester or approximately 800-1,000 pages or 75 pages weekly

3 Book Completion Notes with AR test due  each trimester
 1st   Book Completion due: Dec. 8 - Done
 2nd  Book Completion due: Jan. 19 - Done
 3rd  Book Completion due: Feb. 21

Use the links below to connect to Google Classroom.  You can study your  Spelling/vocabulary words online through my Quizlet link; just click on your homeroom class.
Weekly Schedule for Lang. Arts:

Monday:   Homework packet - 2 pages
                3min. free reading   
                 Finish "Eleven" essay - due Tues.
                 Soc. Studies: Work on Egyptian Gods trading card

Tuesday   Homework packet - 2 pages
                    3min. free reading                   
                    Soc. Studies: Work on Egyptian Gods trading card
Wednesday:   Finish homework packet 
                       3min. free reading 
                       Soc. Studies: Work on Egyptian Gods trading card
                       MINIMUM DAY; 12:15 DISMISSAL
Thursday:      Homework packet due
                       3min. free reading 
                       Soc. Studies:Egyptian Gods trading card due Friday
Friday:          Spelling/Vocabulary Test 
                      Soc. Studies: Egyptian Gods trading card due

WES CAMP dates: April 23-27th


Monday:  HW book page 101.

Tuesday:  HW book page 103.

Wednesday:   HW book page 106.

Thursday:  HW book page 105.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Jan 16-19

Daily reading of a book of choice is a priority. 
 Reading Goal:  4 books of choice per trimester or approximately 800-1,000 pages or 75 pages weekly

3 Book Completion Notes with AR test due  each trimester
 1st   Book Completion due: Dec. 8 - Done
 2nd  Book Completion due: Jan. 19
 3rd  Book Completion due: Feb. 21

Use the links below to connect to Google Classroom.  You can study your  Spelling/vocabulary words online through my Quizlet link; just click on your homeroom class.
Weekly Schedule for Lang. Arts:

Monday:   Martin Luther King Day

Tuesday   Homework packet -                        2 pages
                    3min. free                                 reading                   
                   Finish Daily Life of Egyptians booklet & study
Wednesday:   Finish homework packet 
                       3min. free reading 
                       Finish rough draft- Eleven
                       Daily Life of Egyptians Quiz
Thursday:      Homework packet due
                       3min. free reading 
                       Type final copy and print - Eleven
Friday:          Spelling/Vocabulary Test 
                    "Eleven" questions & writing due
                     Book Completion Note #2 due

                    MATSIKO ORPHAN CHOIR at Grant today  1:15 - 2:00 p.m.
WES CAMP dates: April 23-27th



Tuesday:  Test tomorrow.  

Wednesday:   None.  Front Row Fractions due next week.

Thursday:  Order of Operations.

Unit 4 Math Test Wednesday the 17th.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Jan. 9-12, 2018

Daily reading of a book of choice is a priority. 
 Reading Goal:  4 books of choice per trimester or approximately 800-1,000 pages or 75 pages weekly

3 Book Completion Notes with AR test due  each trimester
 1st   Book Completion due: Dec. 8 - Done
 2nd  Book Completion due: Jan. 19
 3rd  Book Completion due: Feb. 21

Use the links below to connect to Google Classroom.  You can study your  Spelling/vocabulary words online through my Quizlet link; just click on your homeroom class.
Weekly Schedule for Lang. Arts:

Monday:   NO SCHOOL

Tuesday   Homework packet -                        2 pages
                    3min. free                                 reading                   
Wednesday:   Finish homework packet 
                       3min. free reading 
                       Finish rough draft- Helen Keller
Thursday:      Homework packet due
                       3min. free reading 
                       Type final copy and print - Helen Keller
Friday:          Homework packet due
                     Helen Keller essay due
                     Blue and Gold Day
WES CAMP dates: April 23-27th



Tuesday:  None.

Wednesday:   HW book page 93.

Thursday:  HW book page 95.

Unit 4 Math Test Wednesday the 17th.